Author Brina Courtney's upcoming release Stealing Promises is an emotional account of a young woman's struggle of love, loss and finding her inner strength to move on. Because of the hard hitting subject of the book Brina took to instagram and started #ipromise as a way to support everyone that has suffered a loss of a loved one. Join her by posting a picture of yourself with a heart on your wrist for #ipromise
#ipromise to speak up for what i believe in every day #stealingpromises
Along with instagram she is also asking fans to donate to The Crisis Text Line.
- A teen texts into CTL anywhere, anytime.
- A live, trained specialist receives the text and responds quickly.
- The specialist helps the teen stay safe and healthy with effective, secure counseling and referrals through text message using CTL’s platform.

The smell reached her nose before she even opened her eyes, and Victoria knew where she was. Back in the hospital, the hellhole. It had the distinct smell of cleaning supplies and death. Victoria couldn’t understand why she was back here when she had finally made the decision to take care of the pain herself. Why had Kate arrived when she did? Had she been watching her that closely? Did she expect something like this to happen? Slowly Victoria tried to move her limbs and felt the scratchy sheets beneath her skin. She looked over at the multiple stitches crisscrossing back and forth over her pale skin. This was her life. This what Victoria had done to herself. Her arm would never be the same again. But would anything else? She wasn't sure.
Stealing Promises, one girl's powerful account of love, loss, and ultimately hope.